Understanding Body Language 

Visual Clues Provide Insight Into First Impressions

“The greatest gift you can give to another human being is to understand them.” – Patti Wood

From business meetings to social events to job interviews, we encounter new people daily. Our ability to read body cues and convey the right first impression drives the success and quality of our personal and professional lives. 

Body language expert Patti Wood recently shared practical and proven guidance on accurately interpreting body cues and creating impressions with our team members during the National Guardianship Association Conference. 

We are inspired to share how your body language can provide these visual clues about the impression you are making on your listener: 

🌟Responsive mode: OPEN/FORWARD the person is actively accepting. 

🌟Reflective mode: OPEN/BACK people are interested and receptive but not actively accepting. 

🌟Fugitive mode: CLOSED/BACK, people are trying to escape physically through the door or mentally into boredom. 

🌟Combative mode: CLOSED/FORWARD, there is active resistance.

Would you like to contribute your insights on the power of body language? Share your knowledge with us!

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